The Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement: Which Meter Should Your Business Choose?

October 15, 2024
Min Read

The Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement begins to roll out in April 2025.

If you’re not already on a half-hourly meter or a smart meter, this may mean you need to change your electricity meter.

Are you on a traditional electricity meter that requires manual readings? In this article we’ll look at what the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement is, whether you’ll need to upgrade your meter, and what options are available.

What is the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement?

The Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement, or MHHS, is the biggest thing to happen to the UK energy market since 1996.

The rollout starts in 2025 and finishes at the end of 2026. From April next year, all 30 million electricity meters across the UK, both domestic and commercial, will move to half-hourly readings.

The benefit of moving to half-hourly readings is that there will be no more estimated bills, meaning you’ll be in complete control of your energy usage. As half-hourly meters send and receive data automatically, you won’t have to take and submit meter readings to your energy supplier.

However, it may mean you need to switch to a new meter.

More information about MHHS

Why Might I Need to Change to a New Meter?

Not all meters are equipped to take half-hourly readings. So, to ensure you comply with the MHHS, your energy supplier may need to move you to a new meter.

However, you will not need to move to a new meter in the following situations.

You’re Already Using a Half-Hourly Meter

If your business has a maximum demand of over 100 kilo-volt-amperes (KVA), you are legally required to use a half-hourly meter. Alternatively, you may have opted to upgrade to one.

1.3 million businesses in the UK already use a half-hourly meter.

You can tell if you’re using a half-hourly meter by checking your electricity bill – your profile class will be ‘00’.

You’re Using a Second Generation Smart Meter

A Second Generation Smart Meter (SMET2) automatically records your electricity usage every 30 minutes.

700,000 businesses in the UK already use a smart meter.

If you’re on a First Generation Smart Meter (SMET1), you will need to upgrade as these typically do not take half-hourly readings.

What Options Are Available to Me?

If you’re one of the businesses that isn’t using a half-hourly meter or a smart meter, you’ll need to move to a new meter. Your energy supplier will automatically upgrade you, you won’t need to do anything. However, they’re likely to provide you with a SMET2 or half-hourly meter as standard.

An alternative option to a half-hourly meter or a smart meter is an Automated Meter Reading, or AMR, meter.

These have more flexible reading frequencies than half-hourly meters and provide more granular data, meaning you can keep a closer eye on your energy usage.

We think they’re a great option, especially if your business has complex energy needs, for example, if you run a data centre or manufacturing facility.

Here’s a comparison between the three options.

Take Advantage of the Rollout and Upgrade Your Meter

If you don’t want to wait for your supplier to upgrade your meter, you can get in touch with us here at Tritility to arrange for an upgrade to an AMR meter, completely free of charge.

The benefit of doing this is that you get a head start on the rollout and can get to grips with your new energy meter ahead of time.

Get in touch today and take the first step towards controlling your energy usage.